**how to make a player die at health 0 ?**
**how to make (visible) to be permanent (true)**
I have scripts ...
and the script are still many bugs .. (did not die at health 0) and other
I want to change (Visible) becomes permanent (true) and does not change the core script, and the player has a health 0, the player will die, and the display my scary picture for a few seconds with sound , and return to the main menu
This is my script, need help,Help me upgrade it ...
#pragma strict
@script RequireComponent( AudioSource )
public var thePlayer : Transform;
private var theEnemy : Transform;
public var speed : float = 5.0;
var isOffScreen : boolean = false;
public var offscreenDotRange : float = 0.7;
var isVisible : boolean = true;
public var visibleDotRange : float = 0.8; // ** between 0.75 and 0.85 (originally 0.8172719)
var isInRange : boolean = false;
public var followDistance : float = 24.0;
public var maxVisibleDistance : float = 25.0;
public var reduceDistAmt : float = 3.1;
private var sqrDist : float = 0.0;
public var health : float = 100.0;
public var damage : float = 20.0;
public var enemySightedSFX : AudioClip;
private var hasPlayedSeenSound : boolean = false;
private var colDist : float = 5.0; // raycast distance in front of enemy when checking for obstacles
function Start()
if ( thePlayer == null )
thePlayer = GameObject.Find( "Player" ).transform;
theEnemy = transform;
function Update()
// Movement : check if out-of-view, then move
// if is Off Screen, move
if ( isOffScreen )
// restore health
// check if Player is seen
if ( isVisible )
// deduct health
// stop moving
// play sound only when the Man is first sighted
if ( !hasPlayedSeenSound )
audio.PlayClipAtPoint( enemySightedSFX, thePlayer.position );
hasPlayedSeenSound = true; // sound has now played
// check max range
// if far away then move, else stop
if ( !isInRange )
// reset hasPlayedSeenSound for next time isVisible first occurs
hasPlayedSeenSound = false;
function DeductHealth()
// deduct health
health -= damage * Time.deltaTime;
// check if no health left
if ( health <= 0.0 )
health = 0.0;
Debug.Log( "YOU ARE OUT OF HEALTH !" );
// Restart game here!
// Application.LoadLevel( "sceneLose" );
function RestoreHealth()
// deduct health
health += damage * Time.deltaTime;
// check if no health left
if ( health >= 100.0 )
health = 100.0;
//Debug.Log( "HEALTH is FULL" );
function CheckIfOffScreen()
var fwd : Vector3 = thePlayer.forward.normalized;
var other : Vector3 = (theEnemy.position - thePlayer.position).normalized;
var theProduct : float = Vector3.Dot( fwd, other );
if ( theProduct < offscreenDotRange )
isOffScreen = true;
isOffScreen = false;
function MoveEnemy()
// Check the Follow Distance
// if not too close, move
if ( !isInRange )
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3( 0, rigidbody.velocity.y, 0 ); // maintain gravity
// --
// Old Movement
//transform.LookAt( thePlayer );
//transform.position += transform.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime;
// --
// New Movement - with obstacle avoidance
var dir : Vector3 = ( thePlayer.position - theEnemy.position ).normalized;
var hit : RaycastHit;
if ( Physics.Raycast( theEnemy.position, theEnemy.forward, hit, colDist ) )
//Debug.Log( " obstacle ray hit " + hit.collider.gameObject.name );
if ( hit.collider.gameObject.name != "Player" && hit.collider.gameObject.name != "Terrain" )
dir += hit.normal * 20;
var rot : Quaternion = Quaternion.LookRotation( dir );
theEnemy.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp( theEnemy.rotation, rot, Time.deltaTime );
theEnemy.position += theEnemy.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime;
//theEnemy.rigidbody.velocity = theEnemy.forward * speed; // Not Working
// --
function StopEnemy()
transform.LookAt( thePlayer );
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
function CheckIfVisible()
var fwd : Vector3 = thePlayer.forward.normalized;
var other : Vector3 = ( theEnemy.position - thePlayer.position ).normalized;
var theProduct : float = Vector3.Dot( fwd, other );
if ( theProduct > visibleDotRange )
// Check the Max Distance
if ( isInRange )
// Linecast to check for occlusion
var hit : RaycastHit;
if ( Physics.Linecast( theEnemy.position + (Vector3.up * 1.75) + theEnemy.forward, thePlayer.position, hit ) )
Debug.Log( "Enemy sees " + hit.collider.gameObject.name );
if ( hit.collider.gameObject.name == "Player" )
isVisible = true;
isVisible = false;
isVisible = false;
function CheckDistance()
var sqrDist : float = (theEnemy.position - thePlayer.position).sqrMagnitude;
var sqrFollowDist : float = followDistance * followDistance;
if ( sqrDist < sqrFollowDist )
isInRange = true;
isInRange = false;
function ReduceDistance()
followDistance -= reduceDistAmt;
function CheckMaxVisibleRange()
var sqrDist : float = (theEnemy.position - thePlayer.position).sqrMagnitude;
var sqrMaxDist : float = maxVisibleDistance * maxVisibleDistance;
if ( sqrDist < sqrMaxDist )
isInRange = true;
isInRange = false;
function OnGUI()
GUI.Box( Rect( (Screen.width * 0.5) - 60, Screen.height - 35, 120, 25 ), "Health : " + parseInt( health ).ToString() );