i got my hurt sound to work when ever i come into contact with a spike but am not really sure why my death sound is not working
public class playerHealth : MonoBehaviour {
// declareing health variables
public float maxHealth;
private float currentHealth;
// declareing audio variables
public AudioClip playerDieing;
public AudioClip[] hurt;
public GameObject deathFX;
// delcareing component variables
private playerController controllerMovement;
public AudioSource playerAS;
// declareing hud variables
public Image healthSlider;
public Image damageScreen;
private Color damagedColor = new Color(255f, 255f, 255f, 0.5f);
private bool damaged = false;
private float smoothColor = 5f;
void Start () {
// health instalization
currentHealth = maxHealth;
// component instalization
controllerMovement = GetComponent();
playerAS = GetComponent();
// hud instalization
healthSlider.fillAmount = maxHealth;
damaged = false;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
// if player is damaged then show the damage screen else make the damage screen disapper adjusting the alpha using lerp and deltatime
if(damaged) {
damageScreen.color = damagedColor;
} else {
damageScreen.color = Color.Lerp(damageScreen.color, Color.clear, smoothColor * Time.deltaTime);
// setting damaged equal to false
damaged = false;
// controls if the player is being damaged if so then how much damage and what happens when the player takes damage
public void addDamge(float damage) {
if(damage <= 0) {
currentHealth -= damage;
healthSlider.fillAmount = currentHealth / 100;
damaged = true;
if(currentHealth <= 0) {
public void makeDead() {
Instantiate(deathFX, controllerMovement.transform.position, transform.rotation);