Hi guys, I have this health script I created for my player, can any one show me how I could integrate damage and death when the player comes close to an enemy? This is the only thing not working in my game and I have a project completion deadline of the 3rd May, so any kind of detailed help would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks in advance!
var maxHealth : int = 100;
var HealthGUI : GUIStyle;
var rect1: float;
var rect2: float;
var rect3: float;
var rect4: float;
function Update () {
if( maxHealth < 0){
maxHealth = 0;
if( maxHealth > 100){
maxHealth = 100;
function OnGUI (){
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width/rect1,Screen.height/rect2, Screen.width/rect3,Screen.height/rect4 ),""+maxHealth+"%",HealthGUI);