Hi. Does anyone know to stop player from moving and shooting?
Here's my script for my health bar:
var curHealth = 300;
var healthTexture : Texture2D;
var explode:Transform;
var canMove = true;
function Start ()
animation["MyCharacterRig|Die"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once;
animation["MyCharacterRig|Die"].layer = 1;
function Update ()
if (curHealth <=0 )
function OnTriggerEnter( hit : Collider )
if(hit.gameObject.tag == "enemyProjectile")
Instantiate(explode, transform.position, transform.rotation);
if(hit.gameObject.tag == "enemyProjectile")
curHealth -= 15;
if(curHealth < 0)
curHealth = 0;
if (curHealth <= 0)
yield WaitForSeconds(1.3);
function OnGUI() {
GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(10,10,curHealth,30), healthTexture);
i did make it looked like he's dead but when the dead animation is playing i can still move and shoot .